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Catastrophic Injury Lawyers

Charlotte | Huntersville | Hickory

Helping Injury Victims Get the Compensation They're Owed

Helping You Move Forward

Even suffering a minor injury can interrupt a person’s everyday life. For instance, a single broken finger can hinder an individual’s ability to use their entire hand. Unfortunately, not all physical harms are this minor in nature. If you’ve been hurt due to the negligence or reckless acts of another party, you could suffer consequences that are long-term and life-changing. In such a case, a catastrophic injury lawyer in North Carolina may be able to help.

At Harman Law, our legal team has spent years helping North Carolina injury victims seek financial compensation. Our state’s liability laws make it particularly difficult to recover damages from at-fault parties, and this can prove devastating if you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury. This leaves many people unsure of how to move forward, but our North Carolina personal injury attorneys are ready to help. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

Catastrophic injuries are physical harms that occur without warning and that result in long-term, life-altering impacts. There is no single type of injury that fall into this category. For instance, you’re just as likely to suffer catastrophic harm from a back injury as a head injury. This is because “catastrophic” merely describes the effects of an injury — not the injury type.

The following frequently fall into this category:

Catastrophic injury lawyers

Anyone who suffers such injuries in a severe accident or malicious act will often face detrimental outcomes. Following such an event, years of medical care and therapy are typically necessary. Additionally, a person may completely lose their ability to go back to a normal life. No one should have to experience such consequences due to the negligent, reckless, or illegal actions of others. Unfortunately, such consequences are common. Speak with a legal professional who can help at Harman Law today.

Are You Eligible for Personal Injury Compensation?

Not every catastrophic injury will make a person eligible for financial compensation. For instance, someone who falls after trying to repair their own roof may not have anyone to blame for their accident. However, injuries caused due to the negligence or inappropriate actions of others could make third parties liable for such injuries. This could result in them having to pay for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, emotional distress, and a variety of other damages.

To prove liability, it must be shown that a third party violated a duty of care and that their violation resulted in injuries. For instance, every driver on the road has a duty to avoid unsafe actions that could harm others. If they violate this duty and cause catastrophic injuries in a car accident, they could be financially responsible for the victim’s losses.

Unfortunately, North Carolina law can complicate things. That’s because our state is one of the few that practice pure contributory negligence. This means any fault on the part of a victim could negate their right to seek compensation. If you think you may fall into this category, you should speak with a catastrophic injury attorney in North Carolina as soon as possible. There are exceptions to these rules, and we can help you understand whether you qualify.

Is There a Statute of Limitations on Catastrophic Injuries in North Carolina?

If you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury in our state, there is a deadline for you to seek compensation. That’s because the statute of limitations for personal injury in North Carolina is three years. If you fail to file a lawsuit within this time, you have forfeited your right to do so. There are some exceptions to this rule, but in most cases, filing to file in a timely manner means you won’t receive appropriate compensation.

If your loved one suffered a catastrophic injury, the statute of limitations for you to file is the same. However, your time to file is only two years if the injury results in death. Similar to the statute involving personal injury, there are some exceptions to this rule. In fact, there are even instances where you may have less than two years to file. This is why it’s so important for you to reach out to a North Carolina catastrophic injury attorney as soon as possible.

Contact a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in North Carolina Today

Anyone who has been harmed due to the negligent or reckless actions of another may have a tough road ahead. Insurance companies will try everything in their power to avoid offering a fair settlement, and if a case ends up going to trial, they’ll no doubt have experienced attorneys fighting on their behalf. No one should have to go through this on their own — especially when dealing with traumatic injuries that lead to life-changing consequences.

At Harman Law, we can make sure you don’t have to do this alone. Our North Carolina personal injury attorneys are experienced in dealing with insurance adjusters and winning cases at trial. There’s no way to predict what will happen with your case since there are unique circumstances surrounding your claim. However, we will fight tirelessly to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today by calling (704) 286-0947. Our catastrophic injury lawyers in North Carolina are ready to help.