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How Long Do You Have to Report an Accident in North Carolina? A Complete Guide

How Long Do You Have to Report an Accident in North Carolina A Complete Guide

Experiencing an automobile accident can be highly stressful and traumatic for a number of reasons, and for most of us, it’s something we don’t even want to imagine. But for anyone who is using the road it is something we need to think about being prepared for. Among the most important considerations in a vehicle […]

When to Stop For School Buses in North Carolina

When to Stop For School Buses in North Carolina

While all drivers are aware that these buses make frequent stops to pick up or drop off students, they may be uncertain about what actions they should take when a bus stops. Understanding the state’s laws about stopping for school buses not only protects drivers from serious legal consequences but safeguards the wellbeing of the child passengers.

Can You Get Compensation From a Bus Crash in North Carolina?

North Carolina Bus Accident Lawyers

Whether you’ve been hurt as a passenger on the bus or struck by a bus while walking, biking, or driving, you could be facing significant injuries and long recovery times. Even though a personal injury lawsuit cannot undo the harm caused by the bus crash, it can help ensure that you and your family do not face a financial crisis due to the losses related to your injuries.

What Do I Do If I’ve Been Hit in a Crosswalk in North Carolina?

Even the most careful person using a crosswalk and following traffic signs and signals still runs the risk of getting struck by a negligent or reckless driver. A helpful pedestrian accident attorney can outline the steps you should take following your collision and why these actions are essential.

Can a Pedestrian Be At Fault in a Car Accident in North Carolina?

Although pedestrians have the right of way in many situations, such as when they are using marked crosswalks, crossing the road at intersections not controlled by traffic signals, and walking across driveways, there are situations where they must yield to vehicles.

A Guide to North Carolina Bicycle Laws in 2023

Drivers need to know and follow the rules of the road as well to prevent deadly crashes. A bicycle accident attorney can explain what you need to know before going out on your next ride.