A Guide to North Carolina Bicycle Laws in 2023

What North Carolina Laws Do Bicyclists and Motorists Need to Be Aware of in 2023? Bicycling is a fun and healthy way to travel in North Carolina, whether you are in an urban area or exploring rural roads. Keeping current on state laws can help you stay safe while riding your bike. However, it is […]
Compensability of Injuries Suffered by Traveling Employee

McSwain v. Industrial Commercial Sales & Service, LLC On April 7, 2020, the North Carolina Court of Appeals issued an important decision that helped clarify the compensability of injuries suffered by traveling employees. The Supreme Court of North Carolina has held that traveling employees (employees whose job requires them to stay overnight away from home) […]
What if a Co-Worker Caused My Injury at Work?

What are My Legal Options if a Co-worker Caused My Workplace Injury? What if a co-worker caused my injury at work? In most cases, you will file a workers’ compensation claim for any injuries caused by another employee. Workers’ comp claims are no-fault to provide the broadest protection for employees and do not take into […]
Next Steps if You Were Injured in a Lyft Accident

When Convenient Turns to Complicated There is something incredibly convenient about utilizing companies like Lyft or other rideshare companies to get to work or home from events safely. What happens if you are a passenger in a Lyft accident that has left you in distress? You can always leave a bad review for Lyft. You […]
How Long Does a Personal Injury Case Take?

Navigating the Personal Injury Process So, how long does a personal injury case take? The simple answer is that there isn’t a set amount of time that a personal injury case can take. Several factors will make the timeline change. It can feel like your worst nightmare. You were involved in an accident that left […]
Why is it Important to Have your Accident Report Copy?

Why You Should Get a Copy of Your Crash Report Accidents happen every minute of every day. It can be important to have your accident report copy for your records. One of the main reasons for this is that should you pursue compensation due to the accident, it is essential to have an accurate starting […]
Is it Illegal to Work off the Clock in North Carolina?

Can You Work off the Clock in NC? Is it illegal to work off the clock in North Carolina? The simple answer is yes, it is illegal for hourly employees to work off the clock. Salaried employees are not paid by the hour, and the rules for off-the-clock work do not apply to them. Depending […]
What are the Crucial Differences in Wills and Estate Plans?

What is a Will? One of the differences in wills and estate plans is that a will is a critical document that everyone should have regardless of age, status, or wealth. It is a legal document stipulating the distribution of your assets after your death, guardians for minors, and can specify final arrangements such as […]
What is Whiplash?

Whiplash Injuries From Car Accidents What is whiplash? It is what occurs when the head and neck are snapped back and forth rapidly, similar to the action of cracking a whip. Injuries happen to the neck and can cause mild or severe issues. Symptoms typically present a couple of days post-injury. They can include pain […]
What is Permanent Partial Disability?

An Injury Victim’s Ability to Work Permanent Partial Disability, or PPD, is a disability rating related to injuries sustained after an accident that affects the patient’s ability to work. Generally speaking, the injured party can still work, but not at the same level they once could due to injuries sustained. This means their earning potential […]